Turning a Carport Into a Garage

Turning your carport into a garage is a rewarding home improvement project. It allows you to protect your vehicles from the elements, adds value to your property, and deters thieves and vandals.

Before starting, however, it is important to assess the structure’s foundation, framework, and load-bearing capacity. Also, make sure that it complies with HOA regulations and local building codes.

Building a Concrete Slab

If the existing roof on your carport is in decent condition and there is enough room to install a door, you may be able to convert it into a garage. However, it is important to consult a contractor or builder to get accurate plans for your project and make sure that the structure is sturdy enough to support a door.

Once you have your plans, you will need to dig a concrete slab in the same footprint as the existing carport floor. The soil must be dampened before you begin digging, since loose, dry dirt won’t create a strong foundation for the slab.

You can choose to hire a professional contractor to handle this part of the job for you or try your hand at laying a concrete base yourself (DIY). Laying a concrete slab requires some skill, so if you are not an experienced builder, it’s best to leave this step to professionals. You will also want to ensure that the new garage is insulated, so it can stay cool in the summer.

Constructing the Walls

If the concrete slab and the support posts that hold the carport roof up are in good shape, you will have a relatively easy time constructing walls to enclose the space. However, it’s important to have a professional inspect the structure and ensure that it can withstand the weight of framed walls. If you find that the slab or its foundation is in poor condition, it will probably be necessary to pour a new one.

Next, you’ll need to choose the materials for the walls and doors. Garages can be built with many different siding options, including brick, vinyl, wood, and more. Insulation is also a great idea, particularly if you plan on using the garage for storing temperature-sensitive items.

You will also need to install a garage door. If you’re unsure of how to go about this, consider hiring a remodeling contractor for help. They will know the local codes and can provide guidance on what materials you’ll need to get the job done properly.

Finishing Touches

The final steps for turning a carport into a garage involve painting, installing windows and storage shelves, as well as a possible application of stucco or siding to the exterior walls. Insulation can also be added to the walls to help regulate temperatures inside the new garage. It is important to consult with a contractor to ensure that all the necessary utilities, including electrical and plumbing, are properly installed.

A masonry stem wall should be built up to about six to eight inches high along the entire perimeter of the existing concrete slab. This is especially important if the garage will share a wall with the house or contain a living space above it. If this step is neglected, the garage could become a lagoon next time it rains.

It is essential to know and follow local regulations, including building codes and HOA rules. Complying with these rules will help prevent problems down the road, such as fines or a requirement to tear down the structure.

Obtaining Permits

Converting a carport into a garage is much more than just throwing up some walls and hanging a door. It involves addressing structural changes and making sure the space is suitable for a garage, including appropriate storage areas and workshop facilities if needed. It also means ensuring that the new structure meets local regulations, respects property lines and complies with any HOA rules.

Depending on the conditions of your carport, you may need to upgrade its foundation. You’ll need to ensure the concrete slab is strong enough to support framed walls, and that its footings are deep and wide enough. A concrete contractor can inspect your existing structure and advise you on the best way to proceed.

Before you start the construction process, consult with a professional to determine what your budget should be. Creating a comprehensive budget will help you identify and account for all the costs of the project, including materials, labor, and permits.

from Carports Wollongong Solutions https://ift.tt/XxS8U0f


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